Monday, 4 July 2011

Is the grass greener on the otherside?

They always say that the grass is always greener on the other side but how many of us live on the greener side. I listen to people complain about their family lives, their husbands, parents, jobs, houses, kids etc etc etc.

It makes me look at my life and my husband and I do believe I am lucky to be living on the greener side. I am  able to work one day a week on the weekend when hubby takes the girls swimming, to the library, make them lunch, put them to bed and even will put on a load of washing and hang it out.

I am able to have some spare time to exercise a few days a week and achieve some personal goals. I hear people talk about how they don't get much time to themselves because their husbands work late or they play golf all weekend or travel a lot with work. Don't get me wrong I not saying that things are bad coz lets face it, sometimes we have to work back late or have a life, catching up with other friends and sometimes travelling with your job is just the way it has to be. I just don't think it would work for me.

I feel that a marriage is a two way street. If the hubby gets free time then I want free time. If hubby gets loads of adult conversation, hey I want some too.

So I look at my life and I say yes I have it pretty good and I do live on the greener side.

I would love to know if you live on the greener side too.


  1. Great post.

    Most days I think that the grass is pretty green in my world. At the moment we both have some flexibility in our work that we can juggle the kids and their activities and still have some time for our own things. It is a great thing actually - I am off to the jungle on Friday - YIPPEE!

  2. Green most of the time, I think it would be great to not have to work, blah blah blah, but I do, and I (most of the time) focus on the positives, like I get to spend the days with my kids.

    Having a family (especially being away from extended family) is a juggling act, but I think as long as you both respect each others right to do things you enjoy then everyone will be happy.

    I think it can be a challenge to not compare yourself to others and be grateful, but everything in life needs to be worked on.
