Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Why aren't I a size 8 swimsuit model?

I think I can answer my own question.... I never have been one.

I don't think I have ever been a size 8 in my adult life but I offen wonder why that is. My Dad had always said "YOU CAN'T BREED RACE HORSES FROM CLYSDALES". So maybe a little of it comes from your genes. Both my parents are extreamly fit people but never have been naturally slim people. They have given up the life of having a car and turning to the road bike since I was 15.... but that's another story.

My parents had a rule when we were growing up that we always had a to be playing a sport. Didn't matter what it was or what time of year it was we had to be doing something. My brothers played cricket in the summer and footy in the winter. My sister and I played netball nearly all year round and I did a few extra things like gymnastics, diving and gaelic footy. I will continue this rule with my kids as it has been something I have carried on as an adult and realising the importance of being fit and healthy.

So I come back to my original question.  
I have no desire to be a size 8 swimsuit model, quite frankly I wouldn't be able to maintain it. I also want to eat carbs if I want to, tuna salad everyday would drive me nuts, I don't have 8 hours a day to work out in the gym and I don't want to be grumpy all day coz I'm hungry.  These are the steps I would have to take to get to size 8 as weight loss for me has never been easy.
However I lead a pretty healthy life, but can't seem to lose the next 3kg.

The things in my life that aren't helping me lose the next 3kg
- If there is any junk food in my house I have to eat it so it's gone.
- Parties, gatherings.... I eat whatever, without thinking.
- Bikkies with my night cup of tea.
- BREAD.... bakery foods...ahhhh

Things that are helping me lose my next 3kg (hopefully)
- I exercise at least 3 times a week, high intensity.
- I cut back on the Diet Cokes (my favorite thing in the whole wide world).
- upped the amount of waterI drink... maybe 1.5- 2lt a day.
- I don't shop down the confectionery isle in the supermarket.
- We eat takeway maybe once a fortnight... no Maccas, or fast food. Maybe Thai or Malaysian.

Oh well I battle on. I fear if I give up, the weight adds up. Least it gives me something to do ; )


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

I've been to paradise.....

In my former life, BC (before children), I was lucky to be given the opportunity to live, work and travel overseas. I lived in England for 2 years and travelled to 33 countries in 2 years. I went to 26 states in America and of those 33 countries I have been to 6 of those twice.

One of my favourite songs is ''Never been to me'' by Charlene Duncan. For you that don't know the song it's the opening song from the movie Priscilla queen of the desert, or you can do what I love to do and Youtube it.

I feel this song is the story of my travelling life and I have been and done most of the things done in this song.

I've been to Georgia and and California and everywhere I could run,
Took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun

I've been to Neice and the Isle of Greece
While I've sipped Champagne on the Yatch
Moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo 
and showed them what I've got.

I've been undressed by kings and seen some things
that a woman aint supposed to see
I've been to paradise but I've never been to me.

This is a really beautiful song with a beautiful message. With this past life I also get to be the lady in the song that has the wondeful hubby and the babies.

What's your favourite song that I can youtube?

Monday, 18 July 2011

Running Melbourne

I took part in the Run Melbourne fun run yesterday. I was doing the 10km run which was my 2nd 10km fun run. My aims for the run was to A) finish the run without walking. B) try and beat my old time of 1hr and 2mins and 24secs. C) try and enjoy the run around some of the most beautiful land marks in Melbourne.

Melbourne really turned on the weather for us (thank God), it was sunny and fresh with no rain. I felt good throughout the whole run. However found the course frustrating as I didn't know it off by heart so didn't really know how much further I had to go. The run finished at Fed square. So when we came around the corner I saw Fed square and was delighted however we seemed to be running in the other direction. Oh well I got there is the end which I have never been so happy to see the finish line.

I got a time of 59.36 which I was over the moon about. I never thought I had it in me to get under an hour. My hubby and 2 daughters were at the finish line cheering me on and enjoying all the free stuff they could get their hands on.

Feeling stuffed and relieved and excited all at the same time. I went home, sat on the couch, got online and entered myself in the next 10km fun run in 5 weeks. Addicted perhaps???

Oh and I ran the whole way and didn't have anything in me left at the end.


Tuesday, 12 July 2011

What I am excited about.

At the moment I am feeling excited about several thing that are going on. I am one of 7 children in my family and I was just complaining to my Mum the other day that there is nothing going on in our family at the moment. No weddings, no babies, no engagements... nothing to look forward to.

But... then my brother comes over with his wife to tell us they are expecting a baby in Jan. This is their first so everything is new and exciting. This will be the 6th grandchild but eveyone loves a baby and looks forward to the new arrival.

I am also doing my 5th fun run for the year and this will be my 2nd, 10km run. I am excited that I have come to a stage in my fitness that I am confident that I will complete this run without any worries. At the start of the year I was happy to do the 5km runs just to keep my fitness up and my weight down and then got challenged to run 8, then 10. On Sunday I am doing the run Melbourne 10km, but dare I say it.... could I be looking to do further???

My last exciting thing is, I have had to go out and buy myself another pair of jeans. I could no longer have the belt of my old jeans hold them up.  It's just nice to see hard work pay off finally.

this is not me but I can keep dreaming.
That's enough excitement for one day!!!!


Thursday, 7 July 2011

Searching for something greater or just settling?

After writting my last post, I kept thinking about the deeper side and the purpose of our lives. We try not to compare our lives to our friends and compare who has the bigger house or the greastest income. Who drives a nicer car, who has no morgage anymore. Do we live out lives trying to keep up with the Jones or we just settling for what we have and what we can afford?

When the GFC (global financial crisis) hit, my hubby (the accountant) had no sympathy for anyone who suffered. He felt these people borrowed way more than they could ever afford and the people who bought shares against their morgages had it great for so many years when times were good that in the end they were greedy and the risks they took didn't pay off.

Who wouldn't love to live like this without a morgage and to sleep soundly at night? The suprising thing is that there is still too many people who struggle from day to day to pay for their lifestyle so they can keep up with their peers and look good on the outside rather than the stress going on on the inside.

This post wasn't meant to be about money but what I have been thinking about lately is about the amount of time and energy we spend on making our life greater. If the bank is prepared to to lend you $800.000 but you know trying to make the repayments is going to be a real stretch. But hey, look what $800,000 can buy us. This is where we have to realise we are doing things for the wrong reasons. Why is it that we feel we have to take everything that is offered to us rather than saying, no thanks I'd rather be able to sleep at night.

However on the otherside of the coins is, are there some of us who are just settling? We have a medium size house with a medium size morgage/ rent just sailing through life with no drive to aim for the stars. We have no ambition to have the greatest house in the greatest neighbourhood or we can tell our work friends that our children attend the top school in the state.

What is it that makes some of us so different?  Does it come down to being materialistic and we'll do whatever it takes so I can brag to friends? Or is it that we settle so we don't have the fear of failing so therefore never be really disappointed?

The best thing I have been taught is: IF IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE... IT PROBABLY IS!



Monday, 4 July 2011

Is the grass greener on the otherside?

They always say that the grass is always greener on the other side but how many of us live on the greener side. I listen to people complain about their family lives, their husbands, parents, jobs, houses, kids etc etc etc.

It makes me look at my life and my husband and I do believe I am lucky to be living on the greener side. I am  able to work one day a week on the weekend when hubby takes the girls swimming, to the library, make them lunch, put them to bed and even will put on a load of washing and hang it out.

I am able to have some spare time to exercise a few days a week and achieve some personal goals. I hear people talk about how they don't get much time to themselves because their husbands work late or they play golf all weekend or travel a lot with work. Don't get me wrong I not saying that things are bad coz lets face it, sometimes we have to work back late or have a life, catching up with other friends and sometimes travelling with your job is just the way it has to be. I just don't think it would work for me.

I feel that a marriage is a two way street. If the hubby gets free time then I want free time. If hubby gets loads of adult conversation, hey I want some too.

So I look at my life and I say yes I have it pretty good and I do live on the greener side.

I would love to know if you live on the greener side too.